Municipal Health Office
The Municipal Health Office is tasked in the promotion and maintenance of health; and prevention of diseases through the provision of effective, relevant and efficient health services by well-trained, dedicated health personnel working hand-in -hand with the communities.
To provide quality Primary Health Care Services in the municipality of Mariveles, Bataan with adequate, dedicated and highly professional health services providers serving in functional, accessible and upgraded health facilities fully supported by the government and other sectors working together with empowered communities.
• Delivery of basic health services which are promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative in nature.
• Ensure delivery of accessible, quality, affordable, equitable, sustainable health services.
• Promotes, protects and maintain the health of the citizenry.
• Prevent and control communicable and non-communicable diseases by increasing awareness and advocacy through Information, education and Communication (IEC) materials on causes, risk actors and transmission.
• Prepare and strengthen the community to be self-reliant and be able to satisfy their health needs.
• Collaborate with various sectors and stakeholders for planning and implementation of health programs.
• Formulation and implementation of policies, programs, and projects to promote the health of the people in the community.
• Maintain proper sanitation and cleanliness in the community.
• Be in frontline services during natural and manmade disasters.

- Municipal Health Officer
- (047) 935-1757 local 119
- Office of the Municipal Mayor
- Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
- Office of the Municipal Administrator
- Human Resource Management Office
- Management Information System Office
- Municipal Accounting Office
- Municipal Agriculture Office
- Municipal Assessor's Office
- Municipal Budget Office
- Municipal Civil Registrar's Office
- Municipal Cooperatives Office
- Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
- Municipal Engineering Office
- Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
- Municipal General Services Office
- Municipal Health Office
- Municipal Market Administrator's Office
- Municipal Planning and Development Office
- Municipal Social Welfare & Development Office
- Municipal Tourism Office
- Municipal Treasurer Office
- Public Employment Service Office
- Public Safety Office
- Public Information Office
- Youth Development Office