Municipal Agriculture Office
To help and empower the farming and fishing communities and the private sector to produce enough, accessible and affordable food for every Filipino and a decent income for all.
A modernized small holder Agriculture and Fisheries; a diversified rural economy that is dynamic, technologically advanced and internationally competitive. Its transformation is guided by the sound practices of resource sustainability, the principles of social justices, and strong private sector participation.
The Municipal Agriculture Office is responsible for promoting of agricultural development and growth through increased productivity. Thus, it shall deliver agricultural services necessary to make agriculture and agri-based enterprises profitable and to spread the benefits of development to the poor, particularly in the rural areas.
The Agriculturist shall take charge of the office for Agricultural Services, and shall;
Formulate measures for the approval of the Sanggunian and provide technical assistance and support to the Mayor, as the case may be, in carrying out said measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provisions of adequate facilities relative to agricultural services.
Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the Mayor, as the case may be, implement the same, particularly those which have to do with agricultural programs and projects which the Mayor is empowered to implement and which the Sanggunian is empowered to provide.
In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the Agriculturist shall:
Ensure that maximum assistance and access to resources in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural and aqua-cultural and marine products are extended to farmers, fishermen and local entrepreneurs;
Conduct or cause to be conducted location-specific agricultural researches and assist in making available the appropriate technology arising out and disseminating information on the basic research on crops, preventive and control of plant diseases and pests, and other agricultural matters which will maximize productivity;
Assists the Mayor, as the case may be, in the establishment and extension services of demonstration forms or aqua-culture and marine products;
Enforce rules and regulations relating to agriculture and aqua-culture;
Coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental organizations which promote agricultural productivity through appropriate technology compatible with environment integrity;
Be in the frontline of delivery of basic agricultural services, particularly those needed for the survival of the inhabitants during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters;
Recommend to the Sanggunian and the advice the Mayor, as the case may be on all other matters related to the agriculture aqua-culture which will improve the livelihood and living conditions of the inhabitants; and
Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

- Municipal Agriculturist
- (047) 935-1757
- Office of the Municipal Mayor
- Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
- Office of the Municipal Administrator
- Human Resource Management Office
- Management Information System Office
- Municipal Accounting Office
- Municipal Agriculture Office
- Municipal Assessor's Office
- Municipal Budget Office
- Municipal Civil Registrar's Office
- Municipal Cooperatives Office
- Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
- Municipal Engineering Office
- Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office
- Municipal General Services Office
- Municipal Health Office
- Municipal Market Administrator's Office
- Municipal Planning and Development Office
- Municipal Social Welfare & Development Office
- Municipal Tourism Office
- Municipal Treasurer Office
- Public Employment Service Office
- Public Safety Office
- Public Information Office
- Youth Development Office